Rehabilitation and Psychosocial Support

Most of the children and youth at CAEVA Vocational Skills Training Centre are from very difficult backgrounds and therefore psychosocially suffering. CAEVA rehabilitates them to stay on the path of; self-rediscovery (identifying their intrinsic untapped potential), recommitment (not giving up on working for a better life), and reintegration (a renewed sense in the community, wherebythey are no longer identified by labels such as orphan, teenage mother, disabled, etc., but by the new good things they are learning and doing). On that backdrop;

• Counseling sessions are held: these target traumatized children and youth. Through counseling, they open up and talk with our professional counselors. This helps them to progressively overcome trauma.

• An enabling environment is fostered, forexample, by constantly keeping in touch with social protection systems to rapidly respond to incidences of child abuse, domestic and gender violence, etc., as well as by constructing ramps, teaching sign language, etc., to ensure that persons with disability are included.

• Setting up friendly and enabling spaces to support mental and physical health and exercise through games and sports.

• Supporting social and emotional skills development and learning through experiential sharing and learning, local and international exchange visits, etc.

• Organising competitive and non-competitive activities that promote positive wellbeing such as performing arts, marathons, football matches, etc.